Cosmetic Dentistry

Even a subtle change in your smile helps you to project an image of self-confidence and high personal esteem. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in your appearance and your interactions with family, friends and business relationships. With all the many recent advances in cosmetic dentistry, you no longer need to settle for a smile laden with stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth.


All-Ceramic Dental Crowns


If you have broken, decayed or weakened teeth, you might want to consider dental crowns. Crowns are restorations of the tooth that cover and encase the entire structure above the gum line. In fact, a dental crown is one of the most effective dental solutions for covering a tooth to restore its shape, size and strength, or to improve its appearance. An all-ceramic crowns are translucent that looks more like natural teeth than any other type of crown.

Dr. Strickland and Dr. Orosco have used crowns to:

  • Rebuild cracked or chipped teeth

  • Fix decayed tooth structure

  • Strengthen teeth

  • Improve the cosmetic appearance of teeth

Tooth-Colored Fillings


Tooth-colored restorations (fillings) are made from strong white resin material that can be matched to the color of the tooth being restored, making the filling nearly invisible. They are durable, color-stable and are aesthetically similar to natural tooth color.

In the past, cavities could only be treated with unsightly metal fillings that are alloys for silver and mercury. These fillings, especially when close to the front, are highly noticeable and unaesthetic. Sometimes, the filling is so large that it causes discoloration of the entire tooth. These restorations (fillings) often weaken teeth due to the large amount of the original tooth that has to be removed. Unlike metal fillings that require more drilling to be securely locked into the tooth’s structure, tooth-colored fillings are bonded to the tooth. Less of the tooth’s structure is removed, resulting in a stronger filled tooth.



Having a beautiful smile may be even easier than you think. Many people achieve the look they’ve been dreaming of with our Opalescence Boost In-Office Power Bleaching. It is a chemically activated gel that provides brighter, whiter teeth after about an hour in the dental chair. The powerful 40% hydrogen peroxide gel is chemically activated, so it doesn’t require a hot, uncomfortable light to work. Just let us know at any appointment if you would like to whiten your teeth. Just about anyone can benefit from tooth whitening. However, treatment may not be as effective for some as it is for others. With a careful review of your dental history and a comprehensive clinical exam, we can determine if you are a candidate for this procedure.

PLEASE NOTE: Boost is not recommended for certain patients with a history of sensitive teeth, which is why an exam is required prior to treatment.


Invisalign treatment is the use of a series of custom acrylic polymer trays that slowly move your teeth into their proper orientation giving you a beautiful smile and a renewed confidence in yourself.

Are Invisalign aligner trays comfortable?

They are slightly uncomfortable at the beginning when teeth start to shift, but after a few days that discomfort goes away.

Are Invisalign aligner trays visible?

They are slightly visible, but only if someone is looking hard to see them. You will be surprised how transparent they really are, and how great you will look throughout the whole process.

Will my insurance cover Invisalign?

Every dental insurance company has thousands of plans that they sell to employers and individuals. Your specific plan will be different from anyone else’s. That is why we will pre-authorize your invisalign treatment with your insurance provider prior to treatment to see exactly how much your specific plan will cover.

Can Invisalign fix an overbite?

Invisalign can only fix very minor overbite cases. Severe overbite cases would require more intensive orthodontic treatment.

Can Invisalign fix my grinding habit?

Unfortunately, teeth grinding has more to do with your facial muscles versus your actual teeth. If you suffer from severe grinding habits, a night-guard may be recommended at your consultation appointment.